Hello, my name is Kirsty – Also known as Nomadic Diver! Thanks so much for stopping by.
So what is all of this Nomadic Diver stuff all about? And why should you bother reading it? Let’s get into that! First, here’s a little bit about me and why I have started this personal blog.
Who am I?
I am from Hertfordshire, England, but spent from the age of 10 to 22, living in Spain, where I would say, was where I grew up. Towards the beginning of my life in Spain, I found it difficult to adapt to my new world, but it wasn’t long before I started to find myself and build dreams of who I wanted to become.
I have always loved the ocean and everything about it. I was 18 years old when I took my first dive and first PADI course in Malta. After my first underwater breath, I fell in love with it.
My dream – To dive the world.
Why You Should Follow Nomadic Diver
My site isn’t for everyone, but you should stick around if you can relate to any of the following statements;
You love Scuba Diving – I am a passionate diver, and my dream is to dive all around the world. I haven’t had the opportunity yet to dive as much as I would like, but that changes now, stick around for scuba posts from all the countries I travel to
You’re interested in travel – I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. With every country that I visit I will be writing posts about all of them and my experiences whilst traveling
You appreciate honesty – You’ve come to the right place here. I am not perfect, and I am not a professional writer. I’m always trying to better myself and learn new things. I like to speak my mind – not to offend anyone – I just believe in speaking my own truth
You want inspiration – You can also achieve your dreams, nothing needs to be out of reach, you just need to find the inspiration to make the changes and upgrade your lifestyle. Maybe my experiences can help you do just that.
About my Life
After 10 years of living in Spain, my life had changed. I had forgotten who I was, my dreams had been paused. I was working a full-time job which I thought would only be for a short amount of time until something better came along. 3 years later, I was still working in that same place!
I had always wanted to travel, but somehow I had always managed to let something or someone hold me back. So I cut my ties and told myself enough is enough, I’m doing what’s best for me for a change. I turned my life around, I worked two jobs, completed my Rescue Diver course and I decided to pack my things and head back to London.
My plan: Move to England. Get a good job. Holiday as much as possible. See the world.
Expectation VS Reality
My plan kinda worked. I moved to England, I managed to get a good job, I worked my way up and started to earn more money. I holiday’d as much as I could. But I didn’t see the world.
I was living for the weekends, hating Mondays, working the real 9-5 (which was actually more like 9-7) and getting nowhere fast. The money I should have been saving was being spent on ridiculously expensive Starbucks and nights out in London. For the first couple of years I loved the buzz of city life, the corporate lifestyle, the people I got to work with and I didn’t even mind the 1 and half hour commute each way every day! Because this was all new to me, I was seeing and learning things every day. But there was zero diving.
Working 9-5 and Travelling
I have always been a traveler at heart. However, growing up in Spain, my travels were all spent going back to London to see friends and family. I didn’t take my first holiday as an adult until 2014, where I went to France on a snowboarding holiday with my brother and his friends!
After moving back to the UK, I decided it was time to make up for all the years of travel I felt I had missed out on. So I set a target to go away as much as my 9 to 5 job would allow me. I set a target to try and go away 10 times in one year.
My first attempt was in 2015.
Where I achieved 6/10 trips;
- Rome, Italy – March 2015
- Val Thorens, France – March 2015
- Almeria, Spain – June 2015
- Dublin, Ireland – July 2015
- Crete, Greece – September 2015
- Almeria, Spain – October 2015
And my second in 2016.
Where I almost made it with 8/10 trips;
- Iceland – February 2016
- Almeria, Spain – March 2016
- Amsterdam, Netherlands – April 2016
- Almeria, Spain – June 2016
- Almeria, Spain – July 2016
- Oslo, Norway – September 2016
- St Pauls Bay, Malta – November 2016
- Almeria, Spain – December 2016
Truth is, with only 28 days holiday a year, and not earning a great deal of money, I was limited to where and for how long I could go. And my parents wouldn’t be happy if I didn’t use some of those days to go home to see them!
In 2017, I had made up my mind. I knew I wanted to travel full time. It was time I started a new plan to go see and dive the world.
From Executive Assistant to Full-Time Traveller
New plan: Get a good higher paid job. Pay off my debts. Save some money. See the world.
Ok, so new plan. I quit my job and was very lucky to find one with a 15% salary increase. Anyone would say that’s an easy choice to make. But it didn’t take me long to realise how important happiness is over income. I had no intention of staying at this job for longer than a year anyway, but if I hadn’t of booked a one-way ticket outta here there was no way I could have stayed at this job for longer than 3 months. I hated everything about it, except the fact it was funding my future dream (and also my little desk wall of inspiration :D).
So I soldiered on, paid off my debts, saved up some money and bought my one-way ticket.
And here I am, writing this post (shhh… whilst at work) and counting down the days until I can hand in my notice and start the adventure I have been waiting for, for so long.
Why the Blog?
With little online experience, and the help and support of my boyfriend (thank you), I started this personal blog. I created it in the idea that my friends and family and anyone who cared to read it would know what my plans are, what I have been up to whilst wandering the world, hold me publically accountable and also hope to help those that want to do the same with their lives.
I want to see and dive the world, whilst sharing my experiences with you.
Every journey has a beginning, and this is the start of mine.
With love,